Eros is graded with A.E.S Breeders Elite and is WFFS clear.
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EROS is a true breeding Black, he does not carry the Bay/Agouti gene. Homozygous for the Black factor, he carries two copies of the Black gene and is Black based.
EROS is from the first crop of foals by DIARADO, Paul Schockemohle's Holsteiner Licensing Champion Stallion.
In 2013 The FN gave DIARADO a new rating of 169 - this makes him the highest ranked jumping stallion in Germany! He is also ranked above average in the Dressage section.
DIARADO is ranked No. 1 in the WBFSH top 100 sires for Eventing 2022 & 2023.
His Grand sire DIAMANT DE SEMELLY is ranked No. 1 in the WBFSH top 100 sires for Showjumping 2023.
Eros himself is producing exceptionaly talented offspring that are winning at top level in all disciplines. He is the sire of last years HOYS Blue Chip pony Newcomers winner.
His light footed movement take's your breath away alongside a fascinating charisma, with lightening fast reactions and phenomenal jumping ability; this young stallion represents a whole new era of a modern sport horse!

EROS KWPN Black Homozygous Stallion by DIARADO
He showed talent from a young age
Jumping numerous shows double clears and without faults his consistent form continues throughout jumping up to 140m level.
His natural balance and elasticity carries through to his jump, allowing him to have scope and carefulness.
Athletic body good bone and substance with elegant long legs.
Although bred to jump he has movement beyond the norm thus making him ideal as a dual purpose stallion.
EROS represents exceptional value with this pedigree.
Eros has been successfully competing BSJA up to 140, click here to see results.
Click to Watch Video of Eros at Bicton.
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EROS - at Bicton on 15th November 2015
(pause or stop the video before leaving the page).
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WoSJ Exclusive; " Diarado is the perfect stallion " the quote reads as follows....
"How does the perfect show jumper look in your opinion?"
"It really doesn't matter how it looks if it jumps the way I want. It needs to have an excellent technique, be careful and quick. We prefer horses with long legs that have some blood in them. Diarado (Diamant de Semilly - Corrado) is a gorgeous horse, moves excellent, is rideable and jumps like a god. We want horses like him!"
Breeding has changed so much over the last few years, showjumping is so very different today with the fences becoming much more difficult and the courses far more technical!
You need a different horse today that is lighter and quicker than they used to be. It isn't enough that they can jump high, they also need to be very rideable.
Eros is the image of his father Diarado's new stallion dynasty in showjumping breeding.
Eros Videos
Click to Watch Eros as a three year old
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EROS - In the Summer of 2012 as a 3 year old.
Click to Watch Eros as a two year old
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EROS - In the Summer of 2012 as a 3 year old.
A new stallion dynasty in showjumping breeding.
Brilliant in his type, superior in his appearance and with extremely precious bloodlines.
A winning stallion from top to toe, combined with fantastic movements and a jet black coat.
His abilities seem effortless, quick and superior with an amazing bascule.
He combines the big names of the Holstein breeding through his dam which is by the outstanding sire Corrado out of a Contender-Lord-Ramiro dam.
Amongst the highly successful descendants of the grand Holstein lineage 318 d2 are the international show jumpers Cabrio/Toni Hassmann, Morales/Dr. Michael RĂ¼ping and numerous licensed stallions such as Corofino I and II, Coriano, Crawford, Chello I and II as well as the licensing-champion Camiros.
His sire Diamant de Semilly ridden by Eric Levallois was member of the French gold winning team at the world championships in Jerez and won the team silver medal at the European championships the following year.
Bred for performance, he has been consistently named best sire of young horses; at the French championships in Fontaineblau.
He can look upon an entire armada of international top-class horses and by now belongs to the most sought after sires in France.
Grandsire Le Tot de Semilly was also internationally successful and is considered to be one of the best show jumping producers in France.
Eros's dam VOYAGE is by the Stallion HAARLEM
Haarlem is a son of the successful Dutch progenitor, Voltaire. Voltaire jumped internationally under Jos Lansink and Emile Hendrix. His reputation has grown through siring international jumpers such as Finesse, Dante, Altaire, Flyinge Electro, Play It Again, etc..
Haarlem's mother, Berdieta, descends from Irco Polo, another international jumping stallion. The mother line of Haarlem returns brings the blood Pericles XX, sire of a line of international jumpers like Future van Wout-Jan.
In spite of Haarlem's busy occupation as a breeding stallion, he competes in sport under Karel Cox in national and international Young Riders competitions.
The offspring of Haarlem do well in testing and are very competitive and saleable internationally.
EROS'S Grand Dam NALIJN herself an Elite, Sport-(Dressurr) is by Lux Z The worlds Leading Showjumping sire.
Lux Z is one of the most succesful stallions in international showjumping.
With Jerry Smit, Lux Z participated in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and he won the Pulsar Crown competitions in Valkenswaard and Cannes. This brought Lux Z's total winnings to more than a million euro's.
Lux Z Foals TOP ALL SALES - Consistently Producing Champions 6 sons of Lux fully approved stallions from his first crop.
His sire, Lord Calando (Lord), is just like the world-famous jumping stallion Carthago Z (Capital 1), bred out of Perra (Calando 1). As well as being Lux Z 's sire, Lord Calando is the sire of many international showjumping horses such as; Locanda (Marcus Ehning) and Lukas (Emma Wester). The Hanoverian stallion Lux Z was bred at Zangersheide Stud Farm out of the Holstein mare Apocalypte Z (Ahorn Z), a product of lineage 2543. This famous Holstein family was also responsibble for the licensed stallions Lavallo, Lasino and Lone Star.
Lux Z not only produced foal class champions, mare class champions and FPP showjumping competition winners but also very promising sport horses.
Products from his first season in Holstein are amongst others, the international showjumpers Gazelle d 'Aubry (Thomas Voss), Lux Can Do It (Tobias Bachl) and Lagunas (Ben Schroder).
From his first breeding season in the Netherlands, Lux Z supplied no less tha 5 licensed sons, namely Lupicor-H (KWPN) Nobility (KWPN) and Non Stop R (NZ). In addition to jumping ability, Lux Z also anchors his type and movements in his offspring.